I have had problems with my mandibular joint (the joint of the lower jaw) for approximately 20 years. I could not open my mouth properly, the joint kept faltering. The pain came and went. Sometimes there was no pain for 2 or 3 months and then it was back. But I got used to it. I was careful when I was eating and yawning – I cannot even remember how it felt to yawn with your whole mouth.
It just happened one evening that I was eating something and it shot with pain (the joint as if got stuck) that I started to cry. I didn’t know is it got dislocated or what, I was just crying and my husband asked me to nod my head whether I wanted to go to the emergency. So he told me to pray and beg Jesus for help. At that time I was also playing a game of pair with my daughter (three and a half) and as my husband was speaking to me, she looked at me and said: ask Jesus, I hear Him though I don’t see Him, He will help. And she played on as if nothing and happened and she said nothing. I had goosebumps from it…
When my daughter and husband were asleep that night I could not and told myself: why would you not ask when even your own child had told you to ask (as if Jesus told me through her: ask me finally because how am I to help you when you never ask for it?). So I spoke to Him laying my right hand on the right side of my face and begged: I would like to experience how it feels to have that joint OK.
And suddenly underneath my hand something happened as if the joint returned to its rightful place and the pain I had in the entire side of my face disappeared and I did not know what to do next…
Everybody was asleep. I didn’t know what to do. You feel like telling everybody and they are sleeping. I was sweating, stressed out, didn’t sleep all night and was watching whether my husband did not wake so I could tell him. I wanted to shout HALLELUJAH! Do you know how long is a night when you are waiting to tell somebody and I can tell you, it is long. Early morning as was he was getting up I told him everything, the feeling you can yawn with the whole of your mouth is wonderful. When you can eat without thinking. I was so overjoyed that should somebody else see me, I don’t know what would he think about me. That joy is indescribable, that needs to be experienced. HALLELUJAH
Testimony in Slovak – Svedectvo v slovenčine https://zivyjezisvpraxi.sk/uzdravenie-sanky/