I was angry with a person and I couldn’t bring myself to forgive him because he said something hurtful to me – about me. I know that people who aren’t fully committed to Jesus can be used by the devil but I was still very hurt and worried.
In the following 2 days, I was supposed to travel to Austria where I work. During the night, I woke up to immense pain in my neck: more specifically my cervical spine was in so much pain I couldn’t even move. I wasn’t able to change the position and I had to physically hold my head and lift it. I couldn’t sleep anymore. I found out in the morning that my neck was stuck and I couldn’t move my head properly. The pain was unbearable.
I understood that the reason for my health problems is in my resentment as it’s mentioned in the Bible many times (e.g. The Bible – John 5:14; Proverbs 14:30; …).
„…there is no health in my bones because of my sin“ (The Bible – Psalms 38:4)
I didn’t travel that day. Instead, I took a painkiller, used a heating pad and later, I even took a pill to ease my muscle tension. I finally slept that night and when I woke up, my pain was less intense but I still couldn’t move my head perfectly. I sent a quick message to Stano, who leads our Bible study and prayer group, and asked him to pray for me.
I was unable to work and had to stay in Slovakia. I decided to book myself a massage and participate in prayer group meeting on Wednesday, so Stano could pray for me in person. At the lunchtime, I had the massage appointment after which I felt partially relieved on my back but the cervical spine was still stuck. I believed to be healed during the Bible study meeting because Jesus Christ helped me so many times in the past when Stano prayed for me.
This time wasn’t an exception.
Stano told me based on the Bible teaching that I have to forgive to be able to receive God’s blessing and healing. He gave me some practical steps how to restore the relationship.
As we were talking about how God works in our life, Stano laid his hand on me and I felt God’s power coming through me. I was intentionally thinking about forgiving the person who had wronged me. It wasn’t as easy as it sounds. It was quite a fight. After 30 minutes, I could turn my head to the left, which wasn’t possible before.
We were praying for different needs and during that time I was focusing on the forgiveness again. I felt so full of joy and God’s presence! Suddenly, I was able to turn my head both ways! I was beyond happy!
After the prayer time, we were reading the Bible and Stano was commenting on each part to give us further understanding. We prayed one more time and Stano laid his hands on me the same way Jesus and His disciples did when they prayed for ill people (Luke 4:40; Acts 5:12).
I experienced God’s presence and joy again, as well as contentment and forgiveness. God’s power was in body and I could feel it physically. Moving my head was suddenly possible in every way! I still felt little tension in the back of my head where a tendon of one muscle is located but it wasn’t getting in the way of the overall movement. At home, I continued to pray and on the following day I woke up completely pain-free! It’s important to mention that I followed Stano’s biblically accurate advice to mend the relationship between me and the person.
On Saturday, I visited Stano one more time to pray for my resilience and strength. On Sunday, I drove to Austria. To be honest, I was worried if my recovered neck will be healed enough to withstand lifting heavy suitcases. I also feel tension in my neck when I drive long distances and I was unsure if my health problems resurface after 5 hours in the car.
When I got such thought, I had to stop it and thank Jesus Christ for my healing. I was also praying while driving and Stano was praying as well.
Thank God that my problems didn’t come back, even after traveling and resuming my work tasks.
Praise Jesus Christ!
Vlada (18th January 2025)