My father got sick with Covid-19. A week after first symptoms, his health started to deteriorate rapidly. I was abroad and didn’t know all the details but I suspected it wasn’t good.
Therefore, on the same evening (the 28 th of January 2021), I texted Stano, the leader of our spiritual community, to pray for my father who was in bad condition. I couldn´t sleep at all that night and I prayed for my father until 2:00 am. Stano has 21 years of experience with healing people through Jesus Christ and also with exorcism. He helped people who were literally dying. That´s why I asked him for prayers.
Stano, in the name of Jesus Christ, cast out all evil and sickness from my father through my faith. Jesus was moving things through my faith in the same way as when Jesus healed the centurion´s servant from afar through the centurion´s faith (Bible – Matthew 8: 5-13).
„Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment.“
On the following day around 10:00 a.m. my father called to tell me that God saved him!
He said that in the evening his condition had deteriorated so much that he called an ambulance to come and give him an infusion therapy. They refused, saying that they don’t provide infusions. So he stayed home alone without anything.
That night he started to read Stano’s book Discovering the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In this book, he explains the Bible in a simple manner and also teaches how to receive God´s help and healing. Thanks to this book, my father accepted Jesus Christ and was able to receive healing through his faith. He was feeling a lot better in the morning!!!
After this, I called my mother and she told me that our friend visited my father that evening. She phoned my mother to say my father would not survive until morning. She said he looks awful and his face looks like an expression of a person just before death. Since she works in a hospice (it’s a place where people die), she was certain.
It was a big miracle that father got better by morning. That he survived at all!
We continued to pray the following days. People from our spiritual community also prayed for my father´s recovery. Stano repeatedly cast out the disease from afar in the name of Jesus Christ.
Although my father´s oxygen saturation was low (sometimes even below 80%), he started to feel better day by day. Later, my mother told me his hands and lips were blue and purple those days… that he was often gasping for breath and suffocating.
It is a great miracle he survived the critical night! And it´s another miracle his health condition was gradually improving!
A few days later, my father went to the hospital for a medical exam, where he was advised to be hospitalized because 25% of his lungs were affected. He was hospitalized on Monday (1 st of February 2021) even though he was already feeling better. The next day, he even walked 6
km through the hospital corridors. He continued to read the book and felt better every day.
On Sunday, the 6 th of February 2021, my father was discharged from the hospital and continued to receive home treatment. His oxygen levels were 90%. He continued to read the book and was regularly going for a walk outside. We continued to pray. And few days later he
was completely healed.
I thank Jesus Christ that my father is alive!
I thank Jesus Christ that even today He’s doing great miracles: (not only) healing through his disciples! Amen!
Vlada (2021)
Testimony in Slovak – Svedectvo v slovenčine