God Immediately Healed My Sprained Ankle

I was working in my garden, slipped on a slope and sprained my ankle so much that it cracked. I thought I would have some cracks there.
I couldn’t think of anything else at the time, just knelt down and put my hands on the ankle.  I praised God for a minute.  I didn’t even pray for the pain, I just thanked God that he is good and has everything in his power.
The pain was gone immediately!
After that I thought that the pain could come back in the evening or the next day.
But it stopped hurting so I forgot about it.
And I remembered only a few days later that Lord God healed my ankle.
Thanks God!
Testimony in Slovak – Svedectvo v slovenčine https://zivyjezisvpraxi.sk/boh-okamzite-uzdravil-vyron-clenku/

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