Hello, I would like to share the testimony from my work, about healing. I am working on a ranch. Two weeks ago a horse stepped on my foot. I didn’t give it a lot of thought, but it was hurting very much. I was about to ride a horse, so I didn’t want anything to take away that joy from me.
Therefore, I put my hands on my ankle and started to pray and thank to Jesus, that the pain went away. I thanked to Jesus for healing my ankle. Until evening the pain disappeared and my ankle was healed.
I was at the farm again yesterday when my colleague experienced the same situation. The horse stepped on her foot. Her two toes are broken, and she has to have the whole ankle in the gypsum. In my case, I was healed until the evening. I didn’t even realize how miraculously Jesus healed and saved me that day.
Even though I felt a big pain, I didn’t know that it could end up so badly. I only considered that it would hurt for a while. I only prayed to Jesus for removing the pain, while the pain was the smallest complication, that could happen.
I would like to encourage you to give all your troubles to Jesus. We don’t have to think about the outcomes of our situation or life complications. Like in my case, we don’t even have to know all consequences that could happen.
Jesus is protecting us not only from the problem, but also from its consequences.
Testimony in Slovak – Svedectvo v slovenčine https://zivyjezisvpraxi.sk/uzdravenie-zraneneho-clenku/