Hello. I would like to share my beautifully powerful experience with Jesus. I was baptized in summer 2020. I was already baptized as a baby but I felt a need to be rebaptized and experience it so „lively”. Stano was baptizing us. It was an incredible experience for me. I felt the Holy Spirit´s presence. Few days after my baptism, I realized that I sleep the whole night, nothing is hurting me and I am fresh when I wake up. Before that, it was the total opposite: I could not sleep, I was tired and my back was in pain…
My life became different after I accepted Jesus into my heart. Even when I was small, I was a believer but it was not as intense as it is now. Jesus led me to a friend who showed me how to pray effectively and then I joined our praying group. Relationships at home became much better – all of us felt sudden peace in our family. My situation became easier and people who were mean to me stopped contacting me. Things that seemed to be difficult or the ones that seemed not to have any solutions were solved and there changed into new possibilities. I praise You Jesus.
Jesus is showing me the way. He is leading my life and life of my family. He brought people into my life who need His help. I am Jesus‘ follower.
I was in England where I met my friend from Slovakia who lives there with his family. It was very difficult for us to find the time to meet but we did it. And even in this small amount of time there was a space to speak about Jesus. I told him how to pray and how he could give his life to Jesus. On our meeting he told me that he felt nervous inside but he called me in few hours and said that he feels happier and calmer inside.
Jesus was celebrated in his life and now he cannot imagine life without Him. His sister, my friend, felt into darkness long time ago: drug addiction, satanism, and so on. I met their parents and they were glad about me coming there. I gave them my testimony about Jesus and explained few things. They did not know what to do with their daughter. I called her and she started to complain about her problems. She said that she is mentally down and she can not keep up anymore and her life is falling apart. She cried while still on the phone.
So, I calmed her and told her about Jesus. She believed that Jesus will not help her anymore because she turned her back to Him. I told her that He still loves her and He is with her and that Jesus only needs her to accept Him into her heart. I told her how she could pray.
In the evening, she texted me that she prayed honestly and she accepted Jesus in her heart. On the next day, she texted again about how she feels much better and feels God´s presence.
She lived in Vienna and had problems to come home because of the police. Her mother didn´t believe that she will ever return home but I just laughed a bit and said that Jesus will manage it. Now when I write this testimony I was texting her about how she is doing and what is new. She answered me that she is home with her parents and wants to meet me. This was around two months after our phone call. Even I was surprised.
She is doing better now but the devil is still attacking because he is losing another soul. But she does not seem to give up and we are praying for her. Something like this happened around me for the first time with a really successful ending. And I am grateful for that. Jesus has always the last word. Jesus is the winner!
Do not fear, give yourself to Jesus, accept Him into your hearts and He will take care of You all. Do not be worried about what will be or how will you do. Give it all to Jesus. He knows what to do with it. Give thanks to Him for everything what is happening in your lives.
Things in my life are moving forward and I am thankful to Jesus for it.
Big thanks belongs also to people from our praying group and to Stano for the prayers. It is moving me forward. Jesus is the winner. I praise You and glorify You Jesus Christ. Amen.
Testimony in Slovak – Svedectvo v slovenčine https://zivyjezisvpraxi.sk/pekne-skusenosti-s-jezisom/
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