My friend Mata received a thought from God, about writing to her friend, whom she didn´t see in a long time. She wrote to her and realised that her friend was at the hospital. Mata´s friend told her the reason of her hospitalization and her symptoms. They spoke about the medical procedures, doctors chose for her.
Mata is medically educated and therefore she recognised, that the procedures the doctors chose for her friend were not the right ones and they have to be changed very soon.
She started to pray for the doctors, so God would lead them and bless them with His wisdom, to change the procedures. Shortly after that, it happened that the doctors switched their shifts, and another doctor took over. He changed the procedures and proposed exactly the ones Mata was talking about.
This way the doctors discovered that it was a very serious acute condition and even found half a liter of blood in the abdominal cavity, which they didn´t know about until then. They discovered it only because they changed the way of examination and the medical procedures. Since the patient was taking medication against blood clotting, it was a life-threatening condition.
Under the influence of prayers, the doctors switched their shifts and decided on the right method of treatment, and it saved the patient’s life. It was a great miracle. It is amazing that Mata was listening to God’s voice and obeyed Him, what saved the life of her friend.
Testimony in Slovak – Svedectvo v slovenčine