Hello, I would like to share my testimony about how worthy it is to listen to God´s voice and how important it is to trust Him because Jesus is always with us and wants to lead us.
New semester started and school created their new restrictions. According to the restrictions, everyone who is not vaccinated should get tested every other day. The rule was also this: if somebody from the class is tested positive and school discovers that this student didn´t follow the rules, he/she will have to face disciplinary proceedings. I didn´t have a lot of money, so I said to myself that the first week of school (when the lectures are just about general introduction and information about the subject), I didn’t have to undergo a covid test. Surely, I would start getting tested properly from the following week. But on the Tuesday during the first lecture, I could hear this silent voice in my head that told me to go and get tested right after the lesson. I decided not to ignore this voice and I went for the test even though it meant I had to reject the invitation to grab a coffee together from my classmates – they were very convincing.
On the Wednesday, we had other lessons. One of them was lasting an hour. When I came home after school, I found a mail saying that one of my classmates from today’s lesson was tested positive for Covid-19 and she was sitting right in front of me. I became quite scared because there was a moment during the class when I took off my facemask for a while to be able to breathe. I have never done it before because my mother whom I live with, has an autoimmune disease and she is therefore in the risk group. On Thursday evening I could feel first symptoms – throat ache, higher temperature and this feeling that I always have before I get sick. The worst thing was my mother felt the same way.
I texted my friend Saska so her and people from our praying group would pray for me and my family. Suddenly I felt anxiety, stress and self-blame.
In a while, I realized that I shouldm’t think this way and that I must give everything to Jesus and trust Him fully. Because He is, was and always will be taking care of my family. I also suddenly remembered this silent Jesus’ voice which made me take a test so I wouldn´t have any problems.
On the Friday, I woke up totally fresh and healthy. The throat ache disappeared, even though it usually takes a few days to disappear. My mother felt the same. Jesus was celebrated again through this miracle.
On Monday, I took a PCR test and it was negative – no sickness. I praise Jesus for it.
I wish you to be blessed, so you can trust Jesus and listen to His voice in all kinds of situations in your life. And don´t let worries drag you away from Jesus.
Testimony in Slovak – Svedectvo v slovenčine https://zivyjezisvpraxi.sk/jezisov-hlas-a-ochrana-pred-covid-19/